You can order a product from PROPARTS.BG in two ways:
1) using the automated build-in purchase form in our webstore
2) via telephone call
In order to dispatch your order we will need your full name, exact delivery address and a phone number.
We will send an e-mail to confirm after you submit your order, in some cases we will call for clarification.
All orders placed before 16:00 CET will be processed on the following day.
With can offer your several payment methods with maximum safety and convinience:
1) Bank transfer, please use the date provided below
Receiver: Proparts BG OOD
Address: 11 Stoyan Mihaylovski str, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Bank: Procredit bank
Bank's Address: Cinema complex, Trakia quarters, Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria
IBAN: BG35PRCB92301037701011
2) Paypal payment - this option will be avaliable during the check out process.
3) Cash on delivery - currently avaliable only for Bulgarian, Greek and Romanian customers